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42 results for: Creature - Legend
Card Name Type Cost P/T Edition Value
Ascendant Evincar Creature - Legend 4BB 3/3 Nemesis $1.49
Blind Seer Creature - Legend 2UU 3/3 Invasion $0.42
Cao Cao, Lord of Wei Summon Creature - Legend 3BB 3/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $17.99
Cao Ren, Wei Commander Summon Creature - Legend 2BB 3/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $8.93
Captain Sisay Creature - Legend 2GW 2/2 Invasion $2.67
Cromat Creature - Legend WUBRG 5/5 Apocalypse $1.04
Diaochan, Artful Beauty Summon Creature - Legend 3R 1/1 Portal: Three Kingdoms $15.49
Dong Zhou, the Tyrant Summon Creature - Legend 4R 3/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $17.67
Empress Galina Creature - Legend 3UU 1/3 Invasion $1.42
Gerrard Capashen Creature - Legend 3WW 3/4 Apocalypse $0.54
Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior Summon Creature - Legend 3WW 3/5 Portal: Three Kingdoms $8.34
Hanna, Ship's Navigator Creature - Legend 1WU 1/2 Invasion $2.95
Hua Tuo, Honored Physician Summon Creature - Legend 1GG 1/2 Portal: Three Kingdoms $29.14
Huang Zhong, Shu General Summon Creature - Legend 2WW 2/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $8.84
Kangee, Aerie Keeper Creature - Legend 2WU 2/2 Invasion $0.60
Karona, False God Creature - Legend 1WUBRG 5/5 Scourge $0.52
Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" Summon Creature - Legend 2WW 4/4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $14.99
Lady Sun Summon Creature - Legend 1UU 1/1 Portal: Three Kingdoms $10.21
Lady Zhurong, Warrior Queen Summon Creature - Legend 4G 4/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $15.42
Liu Bei, Lord of Shu Summon Creature - Legend 3WW 2/4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $7.14
Lu Bu, Master-at-Arms Summon Creature - Legend 5R 4/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $14.44
Lu Meng, Wu General Summon Creature - Legend 3UU 4/4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $8.56
Lu Su, Wu Advisor Summon Creature - Legend 3UU 1/2 Portal: Three Kingdoms $7.65
Lu Xun, Scholar General Summon Creature - Legend 2UU 1/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $11.34
Ma Chao, Western Warrior Summon Creature - Legend 3RR 3/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $10.34
Meng Huo, Barbarian King Summon Creature - Legend 3GG 4/4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $18.62
Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer Creature - Legend 4GGG */* Invasion $0.85
Pang Tong, "Young Phoenix" Creature - Legend 1WW 1/2 Portal: Three Kingdoms $8.00
Sima Yi, Wei Field Marshal Summon Creature - Legend 5B */4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $6.50
Sun Quan, Lord of Wu Summon Creature - Legend 4UU 4/4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $14.97
Tsabo Tavoc Creature - Legend 5BR 7/4 Invasion $0.90
Volrath the Fallen Creature - Legend 3BBB 6/4 Nemesis $1.14
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed Summon Creature - Legend 2BB 3/2 Portal: Three Kingdoms $37.50
Xun Yu, Wei Advisor Summon Creature - Legend 1BB 1/1 Portal: Three Kingdoms $6.76
Yuan Shao, the Indecisive Summon Creature - Legend 4R 2/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $7.39
Zhang Fei, Fierce Warrior Summon Creature - Legend 4WW 4/4 Portal: Three Kingdoms $34.99
Zhang He, Wei General Summon Creature - Legend 3BB 4/2 Portal: Three Kingdoms $14.99
Zhang Liao, Hero of Hefei Summon Creature - Legend 4BB 3/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $8.38
Zhao Zilong, Tiger General Summon Creature - Legend 3WW 3/3 Portal: Three Kingdoms $11.23
Zhou Yu, Chief Commander Summon Creature - Legend 5UU 8/8 Portal: Three Kingdoms $11.88
Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist Summon Creature - Legend 1UU 1/1 Portal: Three Kingdoms $9.73
Zuo Ci, the Mocking Sage Summon Creature - Legend 1GG 1/2 Portal: Three Kingdoms $9.93
